About Me

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Kees Kapteyn is an author and visual artist residing in Ottawa, Ontario. Most recently, Kees Kapteyn has self published an e-novella 'individe' which can be found on Amazon. He also has a flash fiction chapbook entitled "Temperance Ave.", published by Grey Borders Press. He has also has been published in such magazines as flo., Wordbusker, In My Bed, blue skies, ditch and other literary journals.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Chapter Titles!! The Plot Thickens...

During this Covid episode, being off work, I've had boatloads of freedom to get some more done on the novel I'm calling "LefTturn".  Some typing into the document here, free association notes on lined paper (in the sun on my deck) there, some research even then.  I've gotten enough done that I can assign working titles to all my chapters now.  Some will stay and others are just placekeepers. 
They are as follows:
  1. Look, Cap'n Oblivious
  2. Sinkholes
  3. The Virgin Mother
  4. Esme
  5. Judgement of the Three
  6. Left Here, Right Here
  7. False Morels
  8. Chemically, The Dopes Are Out
  9. ...(expressing the conditional mood)
  10. In Context of the Moon in Perigee
  11. Sancti in Silvis
  12. Resurg O
  13. Aislinn
  14. Archeia
  15. St. Michael in the Garden
Cryptic, eh?

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