About Me

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Kees Kapteyn is an author and visual artist residing in Ottawa, Ontario. Most recently, Kees Kapteyn has self published an e-novella 'individe' which can be found on Amazon. He also has a flash fiction chapbook entitled "Temperance Ave.", published by Grey Borders Press. He has also has been published in such magazines as flo., Wordbusker, In My Bed, blue skies, ditch and other literary journals.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Jobe and the old man sat and looked at each other for a while.  In the branches above them, a blue jay screeched its grievances against some intruder somewhere in the woods.  With a flitter of unseen wings, the sentinel and the insurgent both seemed to take flight and the air was quiet for a moment.  Almost in response to the blue jay’s alarm, a far-off monstrous rumble shivered in the air, thinned by distance.  Heavy plodding feet thumped into the earth behind everything, then faded away...

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